Sunday, February 25, 2007


Canon announced their newest digital slr, the Canon EOS 1D Mark III on Thursday, February 22, 2007 ahead of the PMA show in March. Already this camera is the hottest buzz on the digital camera circuits around the net, and with good reason.

I received my latest in-house brochure (above) from my Canon friends, and low, and behold, the 1D MKIII is in there! This camera has been in the works for a while. From reading the specs, as well as the fascinating Canon "white-paper" I have to say this camera looks like "da bomb!!!"

You can read all the specs by googling on the web. Anyway, here are some highlights from the new camera that I like: 1) A new 10.1 megapixel APS-H (1.3x) sensor 2) Live view 3) new 19 cross-type AF points 4) The ability to fine tune the AF. No more sending your camera, and lenses back to Canon for front/back focusing! 5) ISO 6400 (Yea!!!) 6) In-camera dust reduction 7) Dual Digic III processors ...And that's just the tip of the iceberg for this camera!!

Oh yeah, the camera can also do 10 frames-per-second, making it the fastest digital slr on the market when it arrives. What really impresses me even more than the specs is the fact that Canon listened to their customers. Even the ergonomics have even been tweaked to where you won't be having to rely on pressing double buttons for certain functions. This camera is not an evolution of previous 1D cameras, it is a revolution. Canon, the innovator, is back!

There are a couple of things I have noticed from early opinions on the net. First, this camera seems to have garnered universal respect for its impressive specs. Even Nikon diehards have praised the features of the 1D MKIII. Nikon will have to do quite a lot to surpass the specs on this baby.

Some folks have been trying to suggest that Live View is a gimmick. Having used an Olympus E-330, the first digital slr with Live View, I can tell you that it is an invaluable tool for composition. Live View has been the norm on point 'n shoot cameras for years. People used to say that it wasn't offered on digital slr's because they are more "serious" tools. Nonsense. The technology wasn't quite there, but it is now! And you will see more of this. Before you bypass it as a gimmick, try it. You will see that it is another tool to enhance your creativity, and a very useful tool at that. The more tools, the better. And if you don't like it, you can always turn it off. Hey, be glad your options are expanding.

The Canon EOS 1D MKIII looks to be a great all-in-one camera that can do almost anything. Some folks have wondered if the image quality will equal or surpass the EOS 5D. I'm still thinking that for very large prints, the 5D will still yield somewhat better IQ. Don't forget, it's not a 10mp vs a 12mp camera, the 5D is nearly a 13mp (12.8) camera. That little extra is the thing that gives the 5D its edge on IQ over 10mp cameras. This I have seen with the 5D vs the D200 or even Canon's own XTi. On small, and medium sized prints, maybe even up to 16x20, they should be pretty close.

So I'm in love with the specs on this camera. One problem: $3999 MSRP!!!
Something in me says most of us would do just fine with a D200 or 40D for a lot less than that, but the 1D MKIII is giving me a seriously bad case of gear lust.
Will have more to say on the revolutionary new EOS 1D Mark III, should I be lucky enough to get my dirty hands on one someway, somehow. I'm already begging my Canon guy...

Best, Sam

Saturday, February 10, 2007

THE RUMOR MILL #1: Canon 40D? 3D? Nikon D3H? Nikon D3X? Full-Frame Nikon???

First off, let me just state that I hate rumors! In over two decades of watching the camera business, I've never found any fun in rumors. Just like relationships, I never desired dwelling in the fantasy of a relationship until it became reality. And many times, the reality was not as good as the fantasy.

That said, I know rumors are fun for a lot of folks, and with all the buzz going around, I thought I'd entertain some of you readers with it.

Ok, let's start with the Canon 40D. It doesn't take a rocket scientist these days to realize that manufacturers will come out with higher megapixel cameras with more bang-bang. In fact, these days, it is the consumers who are naming these cameras long before they come out! Whether they admit it or not, we know the manufacturers have an eye on the forums, blogs, and are reading what their customers are saying, what they like, and don't like.

The Canon 40D, when it does appear, will likely have a 10 megapixel sensor in a 30D type body. I wonder if it will be the same sensor as the XTi (400D). I was not particularly impressed with that sensor, but I know plenty of people who love it. Canon was once the innovator, but it seems they have been resting on their laurels for a while now because they always had one big advantage: superior high ISO image quality. I believe they will have to do some shocking this season because the competition is catching up, and fast.

What I'd really love to see is a Canon 3D. The mythical 3D is a camera Canon fans have been clamoring for, for years; a digital incarnation of the EOS 3 film camera, a semi-pro body with the 1-Series AF, and handling characteristics. I have been saying for 5 years now that we won't see a 3D, and have been right for 5 years, but I would happily EAT CROW if Canon would come out with one!!! Imagine a 5D sensor in this body? Whoa, that would be killer, and I'd give up whatever gear I have for one.
On the Nikon side, there's been a lot of talk about a D3H. I would love to see such a camera.
I have used, and loved the D2H, and D2Hs, but Nikon really needs to put at least 8mps in one of these bodies (they'll probably put 10) in the next lineup. We should see it this year, it's about time, and Nikon is on a roll, and they know it.

How about a full-frame Nikon? In the past, Nikon had stated their dedication to their DX (1.5)format, and how people didn't need full-frame. Even Nikon diehards often state with vehement fury that they don't need no "stinkin" full-frame, how full-frame is a myth, blah, blah, blah!!

I bet you anything that if Nikon did come out with a full-frame camera, these same folks would be the first in line for one.
Many people that I know also feel, for some reason, that Nikon can't make a full-frame camera because of their small F mount. These same people forget that there is already a Nikon mount, full-frame camera out there! Yes, the discontinued Kodak Pro SLR/N, a 14 megapixel full-frame camera that takes Nikon lenses. Unfortunately, the camera had issues with noise, and image quality, and was not a huge hit, but I have seen some stunning prints from this camera from skilled users.

I have an interesting tidbit to share, take it with a grain of salt, or less. Anyway, a couple of months back, due to some strange circumstances, I ended up riding in the same car with a paparazzi photographer, who I later learned to be quite a famous person. During the ride, we talked gear (what else?), and he mentioned that he had a friend who was a beta tester for Nikon. The paparazzi said his friend had mentioned testing a 20-megapixel camera for Nikon, and that he was very excited about it. If this is true, and remember IF, then this has to be a full-frame Nikon!! Possibly, the D3X. I just can't see how they could cram those megapixels into the tiny 1.5 sensor. Judging by the D2X, D200, and D80, it seems Nikon has nearly maxed out the capabilities of the DX sensor format. Of course, I could be wrong, but this is all rumor talk anyway.
Well, back to reality. What am I going to do now? Go shoot with my obsolete 4 megapixel camera :-)

Best, Sam