Sunday, September 09, 2007


I know that it's been a while since I've posted anything here. Real life took over, I apologize for that.

Some friends were surprised that I didn't post anything about the new Nikons, the full-frame D3, and the 12mp D300, the new super-telephoto Nikkors. I didn't even post anything about the Canon EOS 40D.

There's a reason for that; I'm tired of gear freakin'...Seriously, can't keep playing this game any more, it's too consuming, and too damned expensive!!

Ok, truthfully, I do keep tabs on all this stuff, I have been a gear freak for a long time. It's like a bad, but sexy old girlfriend, hard to get out of your system. After playing around with all this stuff, year after year, you realize one's all good! They're all good, man. Eight megapixel is all I need most of the time. My 5D is about as good as it gets image quality wise, and more than I need most of the time. Yeah, I'm sure as some reviewers said, the 1DMKIII has better IQ or that even the new 40D has better IQ. Yeah sure, but I just can't go through the hassle any more. The 5D's IQ is more than enough for me. If I get something else, it'll be for other features, not really better IQ.

So what do I think about the new Nikons? I try not to think about them too much since I'm not getting them, can't afford it. All I can say is bravo to Nikon for being so aggressive. They just keep pushing it to Canon, which can only make the big daddy work harder. That means great cameras for all of us!!

It would seem, from all that I have seen and read, that Nikon is finally catching up in the one area where they have been behind: image quality, and noise at high ISOs. The high iso shots from the D3 samples looked incredble. But I'm not getting any new Nikons.

Oh wait...I do have a new Nikon. It's the one in the above photo. She takes film and she's damned sexy! :-)

Anyway, many of you, over the years, have asked what's in my camera bag. Many of you have noticed that I've used lots of stuff. I am truly an enthusiast, but I've made some big changes in the past few months.

I've used lots of stuff, yes, but that doesn't mean I'm rich. I'm just a poor schmuck who has learned, over the years, the art of buying and selling. Also learned the art of trading, and borrowing. I somehow manage to find incredible bargains, or trade-up for what I want. I once picked up a Nikon FM2n with the 50mm f/1.2 AIS for $90 bucks total. How's THAT for a bargain? :-)

If you really need to know, I've sold almost everything off, and am now using three Canon bodies, one Nikon film body, and an Olympus E-1 system. The Sigma SD14 I had has already been sold, as have my Nikon digitals. But I sell them to friends, so from time to time, you may see some shots from these cameras if the friends have been kind enough to let me play with it.

No more gear freaking for me, I am using a practical kit now. Something that's good enough to shoot for pleasure, and for pay. If you see shots from anything other than what I've mentioned above, it will have been begged, stolen, or borrowed.

Seriously, no more gear freaking for me...Ok, maybe until November when I will EAT CROW :-)
